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Global Collaborators

Burkina Faso

Nouhoun Zampaligre, PhD
Senior scientist in Livestock production systems and Grazing Management
Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA)
Research station of Farakoba
01 B.P. 910 Bobo Dioulasso 01
Farakoba, Burkina Faso
Tel: +226 70747311
Email: nouhoun@gmail.com


Oualyou W. S. OUERMI,
Ingénieur agronome (Zootechnicien),
Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) ,
04 B.P. 8645 Ouagadougou 04,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,
Tel: +226 76 14 46 46
Email: oualyou@yahoo.fr,


Sath Keo, PhD,
Royal University of Agriculture,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Sorn Suheang
Royal University of Agriculture (RUA),
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Email: sornsuheang@gmail.com


Efrem Areaya Teckle,
Head, Rangeland Development Unit,
Ministry of Agriculture, State of Eritrea
Asmara, Eritrea
Email: Efremat@moa.gov.er


Adegbola Adesogan, PhD
Professor – Ruminant Nutrition
Director – Food Systems Institute
Director of Strategic Partnerships – Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems
Department of Animal Sciences
Bldg 459, Shealy Drive
PO Box 110910
Gainesville, FL 32611, USA


Mulubrhan Balehegn Gebremikael (PhD)
EQUIP project coordinator
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida, USA
Tel: +251 914722499
Email: mu.gebremikael@ufl.edu


Shimels Wassie, PhD
Senior Consultant
Unique land use GmbH
Schnewlinstr 10 · 79098
Freiburg, Germany
Email: shimels.wassie@unique-landuse.de


Bayissa Hatew, PhD
Animal nutritionist,
Feed and forage development program,
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI),
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Email: BHatew@acdivocaeth.org


Zeleke Mekuriaw, PhD
Regional Coordinator for East Africa,
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for livestock systems – International Livestock Research Institute and the University of Florida, USA
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Email: Z.Mekuriaw@cgiar.org



Vongpasith Chanthakhoun, PhD 

Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Forest Resource,
Souphanouvong University,
LuangPrabang, Laos

Bounnaxay Viennasay, PhD
Vice Director Bounthavyxay Farm Co., Ltd,
Boun Neua District, Phongsaly Province, Laos
Email: bounnaxay@gmail.com


Moctar Karimou, PhD

Country Coordinator (Livestock System Innovation Lab.)
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Niamey, Niger
Email: mkarimou@mercycorps.org


Francis Okechukwu Ahamefule, PhD
Professor of Animal (ruminant) Production
Department of Animal Production and Livestock Management
College of Animal Science and Animal Prod.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria
Email: ahamefule.francis@mouau.edu.ng
Telephone: +243 08068528149 and +243 07085795218


Dr. Abdulkadir Usman, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Animal Production,
Federal University of Technology,
Minna, Niger State, Nigeria,
Phone: +234 08033159996


Joshua Nathaniel,
Department of Animal Breeding and Physiology,
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria,
Phone: +234 07068006347


Hai Pham Ho, PhD
Vice Head of Science and Technology Division
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hochiminh City (HCMC DARD)
176 Hai Ba Trung street, Dakao ward, Dist 1, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Phone: +849 0364 3570
Email phhai_ias@yahoo.com; phamhohai63@gmail.com